„Sensing, seeing, thinking, moving.“  

You are warlmy invited to Bochum

The Axis Syllabus©
with Manuela Martella

15th - 17th November
in Bochum, Germany
The Axis Syllabus© + CI
Info & registration: contactaxisnrw@gmail.com
+49 15755165442 (Marion)

I move as I think my body, that is, according to my personal body image. 
However, if this is far from any reality, my thoughts only stand in the way of my body. 
That's why re-thinking is so often so important, even if it takes time. 
This weekend we will playfully and analytically work with dynamic movement sequences.
We will put visual material and anatomically based information in direct relation to our personal body experience.
With the help of these impulses, we sharpen our sense for orientation wthin our own body and gradually approach 
more complex movement motives, from standing to rolling and from jumping to falling and everything 
that may happen in-between and often should/could happen in the best possible way.

Manuela Martella

Axis Syllabus teacher, dancer, performer, 
project coach, curator, author, researcher.
Active member of the ASRM (Axis Syllabus Research Meshwork)
Co-director and editor of 
The Axis Syllabus bi-monthly Periodical
Co-author of 
The Axis Syllabus Notation System, 4th edition
Co-curator of
upRisingUp | Festival - Collective - Kids - Lab
Co-curator of
La Radice dei Viandanti | The Wayfarer’s Root
Co-curator of
Teacher’s Program - we are all teaching all the time
Co-curator of
die Synapse | Axis Syllabus NRW, Germany
Author for
ReMo Magazine - Researching Movement, NL
Facebook: Manuela Martella