„Sensing, seeing, thinking, moving.“  

You are warlmy invited ...

The Axis Syllabus© and Contact Improv
with Manuela Martella

Bochum (Germany)
Düsseldorf (Germany)

15th - 17th November

The Axis Syllabus© and Contact Improvisation
in Bochum, Germany
Practical info & registration: contactaxisnrw@gmail.com
+49 15755165442

I move as I think my body, that is, according to my personal body image. 
However, if this is far from any reality, my thoughts only stand in the way of my body. 
That's why re-thinking is so often so important, even if it takes time 
This weekend we will playfully and analytically work with dynamic movement sequences.
We will put visual material and anatomically based information in direct relation to our personal body experience.
With the help of these impulses, we sharpen our sense for orientation wthin our own body and gradually approach 
more complex movement motives, from standing to rolling and from jumping to falling and everything 
that may happen in-between and often should/could happen in the best possible way.

11th - 16th January
in coll. with Irina Hortin
11th - 12th January: Different bodies, different strategies. - Workshop 
13th - 16th January: The Axis Syllabus© and Contact Improv classes (4 hours/day)
in Düsseldorf, Germany
Practical info & registration: synapseduesseldorf@gmail.com

Different bodies, different strategie:
Different bodies in contact improvisation from the perspective of the Axis Syllabus. 
No previous dance background is required to participate in this workshops. Come as you are.
We live in different bodies with different features. Some are visible, others are palpable.
For sometimes incomprehensible reasons, our body develops movement habits and strategies 
to move, either alone or with others. Often these differences become only apparent once 
when we come into contact with others. We want to use this moment as an opportunity to raise 
awareness of our own strategies and patterns and to learn from those of others.
We could discover that different bodies sometimes require radically different strategies. 
And that differences could inspire us to play with entirely new possibilities. As we let them speak 
through our own bodies, we might discover that they are useful or simply joyful.
This weekend we will playfully and analytically work out dynamic movement sequences, 
individually, in pairs and in groups. We put visual material and anatomically based information from 
the Axis Syllabus Archive in direct relation to our bodyily experiences with others.
With the help of these impulses, we will sharpen our sense of orientation 
in our own body and gradually get a grasp on increasingly more complex movement motifs, 
from standing to floorwork and from falling to flying and all that may happen in 
between and should/could best possible happen.