* We still take applications till 21st of August!* ** ** ***INTERNATIONAL * *CONTACT IMPROVISATION* *TEACHER TRAINING* ** *in Freiburg, Germany**, 2022/2023* ** *with: Daniela Schwartz (F/RA)* ** * Eckhard Müller (GER/F)* ** * Melanie Seeger (GER)* ** ** ** * starts 31st of August 2022 * ** ** * * *CI Teacher Training Freiburg* Annual 4 Week Training Program Why?: ØMany people with a strong desire to teach CI in diverse contexts wish to have support for their path as well as: A peers group to share questions and doubts with, to gain confidence and be accompanied through their process. A safe place to practice articulation and languaging of an experience to be transmitted or shared. An environment to nourish and question their teaching practice and resources related to CI transmission/facilitation/teaching. To develop their own particular CI teaching style and strengthen their voice. How? ØWe propose a training structure with 4xone-week training in a closed group over one year. ØIn between the training weeks there is time to continue your research/practice, find answers to questions, and hopefully find more questions. ØAs part of the training,participants will co-teach a class and receive feedback from the group. * * For Whom? ØIf what you’ve read made you curious, you feel the desire to have the support from a team of experienced CI teachers and peers, and you are willing to enter into a group process that will help you find your way into teaching, this could be the right program for you. You will need to apply latest 4 weeks in advance with a biography (dance & CI experience) and a letter of motivation. Teaching language will be in English. *Content of the Program:* We will share the motivation to be in this program and the questions we all bring. CI classes will be offered as models, taught by one of the teachers’ team. We will observe, talk and discuss about how to look at classes and how to analyze them. Through the discussions you will find your own way on how to analyze CI classes. We will open space for first experiments offering co-teaching labs and discussions to a certain topic of interest and will offer as well labs to your questions. We will share resources, strategies and scores, which will facilitate access to new material/thoughts/ideas. *Possible Questions:* ØQuestions about teaching could be: What is CI for me? (more general) Which (content / aspects / values) do I wish to provide through my teaching? How do I wish to teach (environment/quality/atmosphere of the class)? How do I prepare a class? How do I lead a class? Safety issues inside a class or a jam. Do I need them? What is a CI jam for me, how would I host one? CI and socio-politics: What CI has to do with our society? CI as a performance art or/and a social dance? ** *Feedbacks:* ** ** We provide different structures to give/receive personal feedback within the entire group and small groups. *Formation/Diplom* ØWe will encourage you to co-teach one entire class towards the end of the program. You will choose your group and your interest. You will receive feedback from the group and/or the teachers in your chosen format. You cannot fail the program, you will deal with the feedback you receive in the way is the most useful to yourself.. ØIn CI there is no certification, anybody who wishes can become a CI teacher, this program is a frame for you to develop your teaching practice and skills. Dates 2022/23 Modul I Wednesday to SundayAug. 31 – Sept. 45 full days Modul IIWednesday to SundayJanuary4 – 85 full days Modul IIIWednesday to SundayApril 12 – 165 full days Modul IVWednesday to SundayJune 31 – July 45 full days You can only register for the full training. If you miss one module you can make-it-up in the next program. Generally there will always be 2 teachers co-teaching/facilitating (Daniela, Eckhard, Melanie). Price € 1160,- Teaching hours: 5 hours per day Accommodation: We can help if necessary studio accomodation is possible Language: English (we do also speak German, French and Spanish) Info & Registration: CIIFreiburg@web.de <mailto:CIIFreiburg@web.de> *to us: * Daniela Schwartz (F/RA) www.dani-ecki.com <http://www.dani-ecki.com/> Nomadic artist, involved in the practice, performance and teaching of Contact Improvisation and Improvisation since 1998. She travels throughout EU and the Americas giving workshops in various institutional and private contexts. In Alsace, her base of action, she is a member of Cie Dégadézo since 2005.She is co-organizer and co-artistic director of contactfestival freiburg in Germany since 2012. She is part of the conception, organization and conduction team of the ISS Improvisation Summer School in collaboration with the Université Côte d'Azur, France. I’m interested in the ecosomatic practices as multidirectional movements in the present moment and as material for research, thought and creation. My main interests are the complexity of the interrelationnal dialague and the virtuosity of attention and imagination ankered in the physical experience. Eckhard Müller (GER/F) www.dani-ecki.com <http://www.dani-ecki.com/> Performer and teacher for Contact Improvisation & Improvisation, co-founder of the contactfestival freiburg and the dance company degadezo in Strasbourg. Further areas of experience in Somatics, contemporary movement techniques, acrobatics and yoga. I am teaching CI and Improvisation since the early 90ies worldwide. These techniques are also the foundation for my SKIN Interactive Performance Concept project, that I have realized in many cities all over South America and Europe with my partner Dani. My main objective is to find to a mutual communication with our partner. In my lessons I try to awaken a playful approach to our bodies in motion, the associated physical forces and touch. In general, I am interested in freedom, lightness and flow in the meeting with our partner and the group. Melanie Seeger (GER) www.tanz-mehr.de <http://www.tanz-mehr.de> Melanie lives and works in Freiburg as a freelance dancer and dance teacher. She gives regular courses in new dance, improvisation, contact improvisation (CI) and Vinyasa yoga. Together with Eckhard Müller and Bernd Ka, Melanie teaches the advanced CI training program by Bewegungs-art Freiburg. Apart from her teaching activities, Melanie performs in various stage projects. She did a two-year training in dance and expression therapy at Wendpunkt and graduated as dancer and performer at TIP (school for dance, improvisation and performance) in Freiburg. Currently she is undergoing Body Mind Centering® training to become somatic movement educator (SME). Melanie first discovered her love for dance when she was in her early 20s. Since then she has been intensively researching various contemporary dance forms and techniques, enjoying going deeper into body-aware understanding of healthy, sustainable movement. -- eckhard mueller www.dani-ecki.com www.contactfestival.de www.ciglobalcalendar.net