Thanks. Do we have a draft of the document?

Il giorno lun 8 giu 2020 alle ore 22:09 Ana Poças <> ha scritto:
Also, everyone, if you were at a GDD event could you please send me a paragraph with a few sentences about that event? Then Im putting it all together and with Joe from we will make a post for the blog;) 
Thank you!

On Mon, 8 Jun 2020 at 20:57, Anne & Arndt Jacobi <> wrote:
Hi all,

please find the current agenda for our meeting on Wednesday, June 10th
at 11 am CEST:
As always please add topics to the agenda.

One remark: There is one urgent topic regarding "post gdd
communication", where the deadline is June 11th. If you can/want to
contribute to this topic, please put your comments in the document if
you cannot participate in the meeting :-)

Thanks and best regards,
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