Wonderful! I would ad at the end to write to our GG email if the y will do event in english for worldwide audience and we will do a programme for everythin to help the diffusion. Ciao! Il giorno dom 5 apr 2020 alle ore 21:22 anna senger <aennegade@gmail.com> ha scritto:
Great, Ana!
I like the new version! And yes, I’m fine. You, too?
Any other comments? When should we send it out?
Am 04.04.2020 um 18:06 schrieb Ana Poças <wellcastsomelight@gmail.com>:
Hi Anna! This looks great! I am just doing some editing with tracked changes (some minor things were changed without tracked changes, sorry!) You can just accept what you agree with! I hope you are doing well! Greetings,
On Fri, 3 Apr 2020 at 22:49, anna senger <aennegade@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everybody!
I created a draft for the email we want to send out as an addition to the call for action addressing the corona crisis. Please feel free to add/comment/correct!
Anna _______________________________________________ Gdd-activists mailing list -- gdd-activists@lists.degrowth.net To unsubscribe send an email to gdd-activists-leave@lists.degrowth.net
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