Super Ana!! For me it is ok. Go ahead! In Italy we are doing a big event! https://www.decrescitafelice.it/2020/05/giornata-mondiale-della-decrescita/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=giornata-mondiale-della-decrescita Ciao Il giorno ven 29 mag 2020 alle ore 09:26 Ana Poças < degrowth-activist@lists.riseup.net> ha scritto:
Hi all,
Just to let you know that Joe Herbert and Coni agreed to make a post-GDD post, but Coni also suggested to have one pre-GDD blog post. I thought it was a great idea and I just wrote one with the currently planned events:) You can check it here: https://cloud.degrowth.net/s/2i94XfKSD447dp5 It seems long, but its mainly links, which will be embedded in the text in the end.
I will update it with new events until sunday, and send the document to Joe/Coni on Monday.
Enjoy the Friday/weekend and/or the Vienna degrowth conference!
Ana --- To unsubscribe: <mailto:degrowth-activist-unsubscribe@lists.riseup.net> List help: <https://riseup.net/lists>
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