fyi -------- Originalnachricht -------- BETREFF: Re: [degrowth-activist] Invitation to telco (31.3., 11 am CET) - Corona-Virus & GDD - How to proceed? DATUM: 27.03.2020 10:49 VON: Julius Neu <julius.neu@fairbindung.org> AN: Anne & Arndt Jacobi <auajacobi@posteo.de> Hey everybody, unfortunately, I have an other call at 11:30am to discuss how to proceed with an other action day (earth overshoot day). I imagine postponing our call will be too complicated, but maybe we can start really puntual so I have at least half an hour with you guys? Cheers, Julius Am 27.03.20 um 09:14 schrieb Anne & Arndt Jacobi:
Hi all,
let's talk about "how to proceed with GDD in Corona times". For that let's meet on Tuesday, Mar 31, 2020 11:00 AM CET(!) with Jean's zoom account: https://zoom.us/j/3755263594 [2] (Meeting ID: 375 526 3594), find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abP2EdbDcB [3].
You'll find the agenda here: https://cloud.degrowth.net/s/w3kPfiA8ocMK7m5 [4]
Best regards, Anne & Arndt
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-- FairBindung e.V. Am Sudhaus 2 12053 Berlin Mail: info@fairbindung.org Tel: 030-23535970 Web: www.fairbindung.org [5] // www.endlich-wachstum.de [6] Links: ------ [1] https://riseup.net/lists [2] https://zoom.us/j/3755263594 [3] https://zoom.us/u/abP2EdbDcB [4] https://cloud.degrowth.net/s/w3kPfiA8ocMK7m5 [5] http://www.fairbindung.org [6] http://www.endlich-wachstum.de