Hi, Eva, in the telco we agreed to give some support so that people can "virtualize" their events where necessary. We created 2 documents, a collection of ideas for virtual events and an overview of online tools for this: Ideas: https://cloud.degrowth.net/s/CMj5oCbSwq5JeWC Tools: https://cloud.degrowth.net/s/3ps7LGXfkyRMsTT Both documents are editable, people are welcome to add to them (see inside) Both links are already included in the updated website of the GDD ( https://www.degrowth.info/en/globalday/), but it would be great if you could include them also in the newsletter. We are also going to send an update (with these links) to everyone we send (sent) the call for action to. Also, we are in the process of organizing a virtual event ourselves. But it might be too early to already put this in the newsletter... Cheers, Anne Am 30.03.2020 18:06 schrieb Eva Mahnke:
Hi Anne + Arndt,
thanks for your prompt reply... could you manage to send some information until the end of this week?
Am 30.03.20 um 18:00 schrieb Anne & Arndt Jacobi:
Hi, Eva,
thanks for thinking of the global degrowth day! We have a telco about this tomorrow. We should be able to give you a short update tomorrow afternoon, but might need some days for more details. By when do you need this information?
cheers and stay healthy,
Anne + Arndt
Am 30.03.2020 17:53 schrieb Eva Mahnke:
Dear global degrowth day team,
I am in charge of compiling the international degrowth.info newsletter. https://www.degrowth.info/en/newsletter/
As the global degrowth day for the 6th of June is one of the planned degrowth events for this year we would like to inform our readers in how far this event is affected by the corona crisis....
Do you already have some information on this that we could put into our newsletter? Something like, we keep on planning, but ask everyone to have online events...
thanks for sending some information on this...
cheers and take take!